Our company
Spectrum Industries srl is an independent, private owned company well known as having one of the most modern manufacturing facilities for quality architectural – glass processing. The company has the technical capacity and professional skills to satisfy the most courageous demands of modern architecture exploring and implementing imaginative solutions for inside and outside glass projects.
Main principles
- whole activity focused on glass processing (insulating glass and glass finishing)
- implementing and following European norms and standards by producing and promoting high quality products on domestic market
- an on-going investment program carried on to increase productivity and accuracy
- assuming of know how and developing educational skills
- flexible marketing politics adequate to expanding economical environment ,pointed on balance held between optimal quality and correct and market acceptable price
- skilled personal highly trained having a very good work ethics cultivated and maintained through internal permanent competition
- long term relationship with row material/machinery suppliers and clients.
Certificat de inregistrare la OSIM a marcii Spectrum Industries